

nx001_LiveCode is an experimental album of sound, specifically, sound generated by computer. No music or, at least, not intentionally.

 It’s open source music, the code is visible.
I used a soft version of livecode paradigm with jitlib supercollider. Focusing on four simple generators (with samples) and small variations on-the-fly.
The time has been restricted to a maximum of ten minutes per song.
The only post-production was done with Audacity, cutting off parts of silence and normalizing to -0.2bB.
The purpose is to explore the livecode as a form of improvisation to generate and organize the sound with the unique interface of the laptop and emacs.
Download: http://www.archive.org/details/nx001_LiveCode
View the code:  http://docs.google.com/View?id=dfnkzbcv_11c3dbjrdc
Samples:   http://www.freesound.org/packsViewSingle.php?id=5087

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